Refugee Law Training Program (RLTP) Bangladesh Bar Council is imparting Refugee Law Training Program through LETI in collaboration with UNHCR to narrow the gap between theoretical actual situation h familiarizing with the activities if UNHCR. The prime objective if RLTP is not only to disseminate knowledge and ~formation regarding the laws and principles governing the protection of refugees and roper recognition of their rights also to build awareness out the gigantic problem which us country has witnessed many times in the history and resultant obligation, therefore, to comply with the legal and international norms and the need for a legal regime. Furthermore, the program attempts to provide practical knowledge for lawyers and other professionals in army, navy and air force, administration, diplomats, journalist, police officials and others who are actively dealing with refugee issues as well as with peace keeping. A total of 19 day long programs have already been conducted under this program and LETI has so far trained about 510 learned advocates, high officials in Police, Bangladesh Rifles, Army, Navy, Air Force, Diplomats, officials of Security Branch, NSl, NGO activist and Journalist since the beginning. The yearly agreement with UNHCR for the current year is in the process of signing. Recent RLTP at Legal Education & Training Institute, Dhaka Second Phase
Course No. Duration No. of
Participants RLTP-XI 12-13 May 1998 25 RLTP-XII 30-31 Aug. 1988 25 RLTP-XIII 7-8 Oct. 1998 17 RLTP-XIV 12-13 Oct. 1988 21 RLTP-XV 14-15 Oct 1998 18 RLTP-XVI 7-8 Dec. 1998 31 Third
Phase RLTP-XVII 8-9 June 1999 22 RLTP-XVII 22-23 June 1999 16 RLTP-XIX 5-6 July 1999 19 Gender
Sensitization Training Program (GSTP) An investigation led by LETI revealed that while the number of male lawyers in the country is 23,376 in 79 District Bar Associations, the number of female lawyers is only 2,126. Moreover, barely 10% of the female lawyers are actively practicing. In view of this scenario, LETI, with the assistance of CIDA, has taken up a project called the Gender Sensitization Training Program (GSTP) to prevent this alarming dropout of female lawyers from the practice. A detailed analysis of the underlying causes of the apparent lack of interest or environment for female lawyers to continue in the legal profession is already underway. The project further aims at motivating women lawyers to take up Human Rights issues, develop their role in human rights monitoring cells, mediation, conciliation and issues of woman & child oppression, along with their regular Law practice. Discussions, Field Survey through questionnaires and broad discussions on Specific Gender Issues. Seminar and workshop already took place in Dhaka, Chittagong and Rajshahi on this topic. As a part of the program, a three-week training course (with field visits) started on 15 May 2000 targeting primarily the female lawyers (80%) from all over the country to enhance their skill in legal profession. At the end of the course female participants will get placement with the senior lawyers for 6 months with stipend of Tk. 3,000.00 (three thousand) per month as apprentices. Initially, 10 batches of advocates would be trained under this program. There is demand for more participants wishing to enter the course. Number needs to be at least 25 per batch, on a continuing basis. In addition to the support from CIDA some of the members of the governing Body of LETI sponsored three additional participants to meet a small part of the present need for this program. English
for Law (EfL) Although, Bangla is now the official language, English still remains the prime diction in law and is now a key for accessing source material. It is widely used in the Supreme Court. Law journals are published in English. Petitions, memos and pleadings are in English in the Supreme Courts. Judgment is also delivered in English. The role of English has become important in international practice. With the advent of information technology and Internet research importance of English cannot be over emphasized today. Moreover, with the bulk of international law books and journals published in English, there remains no alternative to learning English for the professionals involved in legal investigation and research. Legal Education Committee of the Bangladesh Bar Council realized this growing need for improving the standard of English amongst the fledgling lawyers of the country and spearheaded a special English Course for the first time on 29 June 1995. A pioneering course was designed to overcome the inhibition suffered due to lack of language skill in English. Subsequently, a second batch was trained up under the program in1996. English for Law (EfL) received further impetus on its third phase on 15 December i999 through the collaboration of the British High Commission and the British Council in helping to design the course. The project also included training the trainers for imparting the training. On a grant received from the British High Commission, the British Council helped to develop the training module for EfL and helped design the curriculum for LETI. Now conducted as an eight-week course this tailor-made language course encompasses all major aspects of the English Language with special emphasis on writing skill, using legal terms, drafting and understanding legal documents. Training of Trainers (TOT), English for Law Course The joint efforts of the Legal Education & Training Institute and the British Council launched a course titled "Training of Trainers" to update the English language teaching techniques for LETI faculty members. Mr. Percy Hales, an experienced Training Consultant of the British Council demonstrated different modern interactive methods used for teaching English to the participants. Mr. Richarc Launt was also a trainer in the course. The course started on 13th October 1999 and was scheduled for forty hours. A total of 15 persons participated in the training and received British Council Certificate from H.E. Dr. David Carter CVO, The British High Commissioner in Dhaka. These certified trainers are now well equipped to impart standardized training for teaching 'English for law' course. |