Training Programs


The major training programs that have been undertaken by LET since its formal inception are:


Bar Vocational Course (BVC)


LETI regularly conducts a compulsory 6 weeks Bar Vocational Course (BVC) to be for 8 weeks this year and progressively to be converted into a full nine months course. Assessment, evaluation and opinion from the participants indicate a demand for a full nine months course. Previously, the BVC ran continuously for five years as an eight-week pilot course that was designed to meet the existing need on a minimal level and also to assess the need and feasibility of a compulsory vocational course. The course was then open both to the new law graduates as well as for those who were already in profession.


The course is now a pre-requisite for professional license (Sanad) for practicing law in Bangladesh. Each year, about 1200 fresh graduates preparing to enter the profession have to go through this vocational course.


In response to the great demand of the advocates who are already in the profession, LETI plans to extend the BVC into a 9-months course to be implemented within the next five years. We are in the process of integrating human rights training and the training in ADR and professional ethics and research and library use as part of the BVC course. We are expecting active support from USIS in developing the training in ADR and on Professional Ethics.


Trial Advocacy


The institute has been conducting on behalf the Bangladesh Bar Council a yearly series of Workshops on "Trial Advocacy" in collaboration with the Australian Bar Association since 1996. This training series is conducted every year in December by a team of senior QCs from Australia. They are instructors for Australian Bar training. The training module is to simulate the real-life court situation and guide the participants in developing practical skills for trail advocacy. The first phase of the Workshop took place from 14 December to 19 December in 1996. The faculty consisted of teams of distinguish senior Barristers, QCs and Judges from Australia and equal number of Instructors of LETI. A total of 100 participants having English proficiency were divided into 2 batches and into 4 groups within each batch with special preference being given to outlying District Bar members. Similar one day condensed and intensive training program was also conducted by the Australian Bangladesh Joint team in Comilla (1997), Barisal (1998) and Rangpur (1999).


Recent Trial Advocacy Workshop at Legal Education & Training Institute, Dhaka

            Workshop        Venue


13-17   December 1998           Dhaka

18-19   December 1998           Barisal

20        December 1998           Dhaka

14-18   December 1999           Dhaka

19        December 1999           Rangpur



Human Rights Training Program (HRTP)


With a view to familiarizing the concepts, laws and norms of human rights amongst the lawyers' community, the Legal Education Committee of Bangladesh Bar Council initiated awareness building programs for advocates as early as in 1994. After inception of LETI, these programs have been given a more concrete structure under the HRTP. The first phase of HRTP sponsored with the generous support from the Royal Netherlands government was completed during the year 1994 - 1995 in training 291 advocates. The second phase during December 1995 to June 1997 trained another 267 advocates in the long course. The third phase was initiated on 8 November 1998 because of increasing demand of the advocates to pursue HRTR The objective of the third phase of HRTP is to train 2000 advocates throughout the country by the year 2000.


Recent HRTP Long Course (3rd Phase) at Legal Education & Training Institute, Dhaka


Course No.                                            Duration                                                No. of participants


HRTP-LC-XX 8 -                    14 Nov. 1998                                      28

            HRTP-LC-XXI                        24-30 Nov. 1998                                 29

            HRTP-LC-XXII                      2-8 Feb. 1999                                      31

            HRTP-LC-XXIII                     9-15 Feb. 1999                                    31

            HRTP-LC-XXIV                     3-9 May 1999                                      32

            HRTP-LC-XXV                      17-23 May 1999                                  28

            HRTP-LC-XXVI                     May 31 - June 6 1999                          28

            HRTP-LC-XXVII                    7-13 June 1999                                    27

            HRTP-LC-XXVIII                  14-20 June 1999                                  28

            HRTP-LC-XXIX                     21-27 June 1999                                  28

            HRTP-LC-XXX                      25-31 October 1999                            28


In an effort to proliferate the Human Rights Training Program as far as practicable, LETI on behalf of the Bangladesh Bar Council has thus far organized several short courses outside Dhaka. The main objective of these training program are to familiarize the lawyers with the concept of human rights as well as to motivate them to work for the promotion and protection of human rights within their respective locality. During the second phase of Human Rights Training Program nine short courses were organized at nine strict Bar Associations. Under e third phase, twelve short courses have been scheduled, out of which two courses have been conducted at Coxs Bazar from 25 to 27 November 1999 and at Chittagong from 24 to 26 February 2000. A national seminar on Human Rights organized in November 1999 at Coxs Bazaar was inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Latifur Rahman as his Lordship then was the senior most Judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. The presence of special guest Mrs. Dick Den Hass and H.E. Dick Den Hass, the Ambassador of the Netherlands and Mrs also graced it. Preston and H.E. Mr. Preston, the High Commissioner of Canada. It was participated by the leaders of all Bar Association including the President and Secretary of the respective Bar Associations and the Secretaries of the Human Rights Monitoring Cells. The outcome of the Conference is the consensus document known as Coxs Bazaar declaration, which has been the basis for national alliance for all the professional and Human Rights organization and activists for a national campaign against violation of human rights.

Training of Trainers (TOT), Human Rights Training Program


The Legal Education & Training Institute of Bangladesh Bar Council initiated Training of Trainers (TOT) program to generate more instructors who will train human rights activists in their respective Bar Associations and in their respective districts. This program was inaugurated on 8th August 1999. The subjects of this one-week course include different methods of teaching with special emphasis on the case study method, theoretical aspects of training and learning, lesson plan, motivational development and group work pertaining to human rights issues. Only the very best participants of HRTP are selected for this advanced level of training. The third phase of TOT was held from 31 January to 6 February 2000 at the Institute.



Training of Trainers (TOT), Human Rights training Program at Legal Education & Training Institute, Dhaka


Course No.                                            Duration                                                No. of participants


TOT-I                          8- 14, August 1999                                          15

            TOT-II                         20-26 September 1999                                    14

            TOT-Ill                        3lJanuary-6February2000                                 14

            TOT IV                        10-16 April, 2000                                            14

            TOTV                          8-l4May, 2000                                                 17