22.       (1) The Bar Council may prescribe the following fees to be paid to the Bar Council


(a)        fee for enrolment as an advocate

(b)        fee for permission to practice before the High Court

(c)        annual fee payable by advocates;

Provided that-


(i)         no person whose name is entered on the roll of advocates under clause (a) of Article 20 shall be required to pay the fee for enrolment;

(ii)        no person who was an advocate of the High Court immediately before the commencement of this Order shall be required to pay the fee for permission to practice before the High Court;


(iii)       no advocate shall be required to pay the annual fee remaining unpaid for 1971 or the annual fee for 1972!

(2)               The fees referred to in sub-clause (a) and (b) of clause (I) may be paid in such installments, if any, as may be prescribed


(3)        The annual fee referred to in sub-clause (e) of clause (I) shall be paid by such date as may be prescribed.


(4)        If an advocate fails to pay an installment of fee or the annual fee or contribution or premium under clause (2) of Article 14 payable by him by the prescribed date, he shall be liable to pay such further fee for late payment as may be prescribed


            Provided that, if he fails to pay such installment, fee, contribution or premium for six months following the date on which it becomes due, he shall, by notice, be asked to show cause why his name shall not be struck off the roll of advocates and if the explanation is unsatisfactory, his name shall be struck off the roll of advocates and shall not be restored except upon payment of such penalty not exceeding the sum of such

installment, fee, contribution or premium:


Provided further that the Enrolment Committee, having regard the circumstances of each case, may direct exemption of such penalty.


23.       (1) Entries in the roll shall be made in the order of seniority and such seniority shall be determined as follows namely


(a)        all such persons as are referred to in clause (a) of Article 20 shall be entered first in the order in which they were respectively entitled to seniority immediately before the commencement of this Order, and

(b)        the seniority of any other person admitted to be an advocate under this Order after the commencement of this Order shall be determined by the date of his admission.


(2)        Where the date of seniority of two or mare persons is the some, the one senior in age shall rank as senior to the other.


24.       The Bar Council shall issue a certificate of enrolment in the prescribed form to every person enrolled under Article. 23.


25.       (1) The Bar Council shall send to the High Court a copy of the roll as prepared under Article 20 and shall thereafter communicate to tire High Court all alterations in, and additions to, the roll as soon as  the same have been made.


(2)        The High Court shall enter in the copy of the roll all alterations and additions communicated to it.


26.       (1) The Attorney General for Bangladesh shall have the right of pre- audience over all other advocates.

(2)        The right of pre-audience among other advocates shall be determined by seniority interse.


27.       (1) Subject to provisions of this Order and the rules made there under, a person shall be qualified to be admitted as an advocate if he fulfils the following conditions, namely:


(a)        he is a citizen of Bangladesh

(b)        he has completed the age of twenty-one years;

(c)        he has obtained-

(i)         a degree in law from any university situated within the territory which forms part of Bangladesh; or

(ii)        before the 26th day of March, 1971, a degree in law from any University in Pakistan;


     provided that the Bar Council may recognize such degree obtained by such person after the 25th day of March, 1971, if it is satisfied that he was prevented by circumstances beyond his control from returning to Bangladesh after that date or


(iii)       before the 14th day of August, 1947, a degree in law from any University in any area which was comprised before that date within India as defined by the Government of India Act, 1935; or

(iv)       is bachelor's degree in law from arty university outside Bangladesh recognized by the Bar Council; or

(v)        he is a barrister

(d)        he has passed snub examination us may be prescribed by the Bar Council ; and

(e)        he has paid such enrolment fee and fulfils such other conditions as an may be specified in the rules made by the Bur Council.


(1)        Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (I). a person who has, for at least seven years, been a Mukhtear may, subject to the ocher provisions• of this Order and the rules made there under, be admitted as an advocate if  he fulfils the conditions specified fl in sub clauses (a), (b), (d) and In) of clause (I)


(2)        Before a person is admitted as an advocate, the Bar Council may require him to undergo such course of training as it may prescribe.


(3)        A person shall be disqualified from being admitted as an advocate if-

(a)        he wan dismissed from service of Government or of a Public statutory corporation on a charge involving moral turpitude, unless a period of two years has elapsed since his dismissal ; or

(b)        he has been convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude, unless a period of five years or such less period as the Government may. by notification in the official Gazette, specify in this behalf, has elapsed from the date of the expiration of the sentence.