11.       (1) The bar Council shall constitute the following standing committees namely


(a)  an executive committee consisting of five members elected by the Council from amongst its members;


(b) an enrolment Committee consisting of three members elected

by the Council from amongst its members;

(c)  a finance committee consisting of five members elected by the Council from amongst its members;


(d) a legal education committee consisting of nine members: five elected by the Council from amongst its members and four co-opted by the Council from persons other than the members of the Council at least two of whom shall be teachers of law in any University or College in Bangladesh.


(2)        The aforesaid committees shall have such powers and functions as may be prescribed.


(3)        The Bar Council may constitute from amongst its members such other committees as it may deem necessary for the performance of its functions under this Order.


12.       A casual vacancy in the Bar Council shall be filled

(a)        if the person who previously filled that vacancy was a member, by the person who received the highest number of vote next after that member, the same election, and in the event there being no such person, by cooption by-the Bar Council of a person eligible for election go the Council under this Order; and

(b) if it occurs in the office of the Vice-Chairman, by a person elected in the prescribed manner by the members of the Council from amongst themselves,


13.       All sums received by the Bar Council as enrolment fees or as grants, donations or subscriptions shall form part of the Bar Council and that fund shall be managed, administered and utilized in such as may be prescribed.


Explanation: -In this Article, tire expression "enrolment fees" includes fees payable at the time of grant of permission in the High Court.


14.       (1) The Bar Council may constitute, for the benefit of the advocates and their families and dependents, group insurance schemes and Benevolent Funds.


(2)        Where any such fund is constituted, every advocate on the roll shall be liable to pay to the fund as contribution or as the case may be, as premium such sum of money, and in such manner, as may be prescribed.


(3)        A fund constituted under clause (1) shall be managed, administered and utilized in such manner as may be prescribed.


15.       (1) A Bar Council may, whenever necessary, constitute a relief fund for the help of any distressed advocate or his family and dependents or for assistance to Bar Associations affected by war damage or natural calamities or other extraordinary causes.


(2)        The relief fund constituted under clause (1) may consist of-

(a)        amounts transferred from any other fund of the Bar Council;

(b)        Grants made by the Government;

(c)        Contributions received from the advocates; and

(d)        donations received from the public, local authorities, or other sources,


(3)        Assistance from a relief fund may be in the form of loan or guarantee for the repayment of any loan or lump-sum grant or purchase and distribution of materials,


(4)        The manner in which and the conditions subject to which any assistance may be extended under this Article shall be determined by the Bar Council.


16.       (1) The Bar Council shall cause to be maintained such books of accounts and other books in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed,


(2)        The accounts of the Bar Council shall be audited, who shall he appointed by the Bar Council from amongst auditors duly qualified act as auditors of companies under the Companies Act, 1913 (Act VII of 1913), at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed.


17.   No act done by the Bar Council or any Tribunal or Committee thereof shall be called in question on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution, of, such Council, Tribunal or Committee.


18.   No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Bar Council or any Tribunal, Committee, officer, or servant of the Bar Council for any act in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of the provisions of this Order or rules made there under.


19.   (1) Save as other wise provided in this Order on person shall be entitled to practice the profession of law unless  he is an advocate.


(2)        Subject to the provisions of this Order, the rules made there under and any other law for the time being in force an advocate shall be entitled as of right to practice throughout Bangladesh, and to appear, act and plead before any Court, Tribunal or revenue authority in Bangladesh.


20.       The Bar Council shall prepare and maintain a roll of advocate in which shall be entered the names of-


(a)  all persons who were, as advocate, entitled to practice in the High Court or in any Court subordinate to the High Court immediately before the commencement of this Order

(b)  all persons who are admitted as advocates under the provisions of this Order,


21.       (l)  No advocate other then an advocate permitted to practice before the High Court immediately before the commencement of this Order shall be permitted to practice before the High Court unless-

(a)        he has practiced as an advocate before subordinate courts in Bangladesh for a period of two years;

(b)        he is a law graduate and has practiced as an advocate before any High Court outside Bangladesh notified by the Government in the official Gazette;



(C)       he has, for reason of his legal training or experience been exempted by the Bar Council from the foregoing requirements of this clause on the basis of the prescribed criteria.

(2)        Permission to practice before the High Courts shall be given in the form prescribed by the Bar Council on proof, that the fee prescribed under Article 22 has been paid and that the relevant conditions laid down in clause (I) are duly satisfied.