Background The Legal Education and Training Institute (LETI), a non-profit Organization registered under the Societies Act XXI, 1860, aims Towards growing into a center of excellence in the legal Sector of Bangladesh. Back in 1993, Bangladesh bar council Took a significant policy initiative to train the law graduates under the Continuing Legal Education Program (CLEP) in Order to prevent the deteriorating standard of legal Education and impart professional training to the new entrants to the bar. With Mr. Amir-ul Islam as the chairman of the legal education committee of Bangladesh bar council. The CLEP courses came out as a major success in bridging the Gap between academic knowledge acquired by the law Graduates and practical skills required in the profession. Simultaneously the standard of examination for bar entry Course was improved with new technique of evaluation System introduced both in written and viva voce examination Held by enrollment committee. Consequently, the legal Education committee deemed it necessary to render bar Vocational course as compulsory program and a Prerequisite for enrollment as advocate. Former chief Justice Mr. Shahabuddin Ahmed (at present the president of The republic of Bangladesh) was very kind to allot a portion Of the old high court premises for the legal education & Training institute (LETI), until LETI could build it's own Premises and facilities on the land earmarked by his lordship Adjacent to the bar council building. LETI entered into its Premises in the old high court building inaugurated by his Successor chief justice Mr. M. Habibur Rahman on 11 February 1995. The growing need for developing LETI as a self-sustaining Autonomous arm of the bar council was increasingly felt Among the legal community, as without such an implementing Agency Bangladesh bar council could not implement its Policy in order to improve the standard of legal education Or to maintain or improve the standard of the profession. After having series of discussions among various bar Associations, and number of brain storming deliberations and Consultations among the legal fraternity including the Judges there was a consensus for giving full support for LETI to provide the facilities for modern training in law. Eventually, Bangladesh bar council by its resolution of 2nd November 1998, decided to register the legal education and Training institute (LETI) under the societies registration act In order to empower the institute as an autonomous body for Imparting quality legal education and training with Particular and primary emphasis for the law graduates. As one of the very first of its kind in south Asia, the institute is now poised to play a pivotal role in legal education, training, Skill development, research and publication. In addition to Training program for new advocates LETI also runs continuing legal education program (CLEP) for practicing Advocates. As part of the continuing legal education Program LETI holds seminars, lectures and workshops on Topical subjects, modern development in law. It designs, Develops and offers package course such as English for law, Human rights training program, refugee law and Peacekeeping. It intends to introduce course on economic law, conveyance and professional ethics. It also plans to open some course for other allied profession and groups Relating to legal awareness and good governance, law Enforcement and legal management. The mission The LETI is dedicated to train the lawyers many of whom would become judges in future. Besides the training as lawyer and as advocate, they need to be equipped With necessary skill and knowledge to meet the new challenges arising out of rapid growth of urbanization and globalization. The lawyers and future judges therefore need to Be imbued with knowledge and commitment in rule of law universal concept of human rights, enforcement of fundamental rights under the constitution and also the skill to adopt and develop strategy for their implementation in appropriate cases. Its particular mission is to convey, through everything it does, a commitment to the following values: • To foster responsive links between the legal sector and wider community emphasizing the role of law in development and social justice. • Work towards broadening the knowledge base for development of lawyers capable of contributing toward rule of law and human rights and to be aware of the role of lawyers in the changing society towards globalization. • The development of lawyers as leading catalyst for good governance, empowerment of people for working towards a participatory democracy in a multi polar society and to Be equipped with knowledge and skill as provider of legal service with high ethical values and commitment for rule of law, constitutional governance and human Rights. • The search for innovative methods and techniques for continuing advancement in legal education and research. |