• If the bridegroom is under the age of 18 and the bride is under the age of 21 then according to Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, the bride, bridegroom and the guardians of both parties is liable to be punished with imprisonment and fine.
  • Not registering the marriage is an offence under Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act, 1974. If it is not performed by you, do it immediately.
  • Asking for dowry or taking dowry before or after the marriage is a punishable offence. Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1980 and also under Women and Children Act, 1995 commission of such offence is a punishable act.
  • Dower is the respect to your wife, which is her absolute right. In whatever social status the husband is maintaining, the liability of dower remains forever, if the wife doesn't wave it. So be free from liability by clearing the dower.
  • The husband must has to clear the dower, may be wife executes the divorce.
  • If the husband died failing to clear the dower, it will be cleared from the husband's property according to the inheritance of Muslim law.
  • Oral divorce is a penal offence. According to the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961, the written notice of divorce will be sent to the opposite party and the mayor/chairman of the Union/municipal/city Corporation. This divorce will not take into effect before ninety days. Between these period if the husband and wife mutual each other the divorce will not take into effect.
  • In whatever form divorce is given, the divorce will not take into effect immediately. Don't believe in the so-called fatwa.
  • The delegation of the power of divorce by wife is called talaq-e-tafbiz which is mentioned in the form of marriage register. The effect of the marriage by wife is the same as given by husband.
  • If you fail to give maintenance to your wife and children, your wife can sue against you in the court of law.
  • In every district there is a Family Court established under the Family Laws Ordinance, 1985 for disposing off the case of divorce, dower, maintenance, guardianship, restitution of conjugal life.
  • Women and Children Act, 1995 has provided the exemplary punishment for torturing the woman and children, rape of women and child, killing etc.