Al at Lloyd’s: A ship entered in Lloyd’s Register of shipping as of the highest class. Abet: To aid in the commission of an offence. Act in law: An act of a party or person having legal effect. Act of grace: an act of parliament giving a general and free pardon. Act of law: the effect of the operation of law. Act of parliament: legislative decree of the queen in parliament; statute. Action: (Roman law) an action; the right of suing before a judge , for what is due. Action in rem: an action in the admiralty court commenced by the arrest of the res, the ship. Ad rem:[to the point] Ad sectam: [at the suit of] Ad summon:[in conclusion] Ad valorem:[according to the value.] duties which are graduated according to the value of the subject-matter taxed. Adjective law: so much of the law as relates to practice and procedure. Adjournment: the suspension of the sitting of the court. B
Back bond: a bond of indemnity given to a surety. Bailee: a person to whom the possession of good is entrusted by the owner but not with the intention of transferring the ownership. Bankrupt: a debtor whose estate is vested in a trustee for division amongst his creditors, pursuant to an order of the court adjudicating him bankrupt. |